突破KET/PET2000核心词汇丨Growing up(成长)
Ages and stages
在表达年龄时,除了“I’m xx years old.”之外,还能有什么新鲜的表达呢?

Approximate ages
I’m in my early twenties [二十岁早期,21–23].
My parents are in their mid-fifties [五十岁中期,54–56].
My grandmother is in her late seventies [七十岁后期,77–79].
My grandfather is nearly/almost eighty [he’s probably 79].
My English teacher’s approximately/roughly thirty. [about 30 / more or less 30]
Other stages
Newborn 新生儿
Newborn 新生儿 (adj/noun): a recently born child or animal. You can use newborn for the first month or two.
例句:A newborn baby can feel small and fragile.
Infant 婴儿
Infant 婴儿 (noun): a baby or very young child up to the age of 1 year old.
例句:In their first year, infants (or babies) learn to focus their vision, explore, and learn about the things that are around them.
Preschooler 学龄前儿童
Preschooler 学龄前儿童 (noun): a child between the age of three and five. It is the stage just before they enter school.
例句:The website is designed so that not only will preschoolers be entertained but they will also learn at the same time.
那么如何让孩子科学得学习英语呢?小赛建议,学习剑桥原版引进的《English in Mind》教材是最好的选择。
《English in Mind》系列教程为剑桥官方精心打造,是一套综合性、系统性、国际性英语语言学习教材

在不同级别穿插的文化体验(Culture in Mind)、文学体验(Literature in Mind)、小说体验(Fiction in Mind)可以让学生领略不同的文化特色,赏析不同时期的文学作品。
目的是在学习语言的同时,提高青少年的个人修养。它的语言标准是依照欧洲现代语言教学大纲中A1到C1的语言能力制定,内容覆盖了我国小升初至 高三所有英语阅读、口语、写作、词汇、语法等知识点。
