立夏 - 传统文化进课堂,带你了解关于立夏的英语知识
立夏 始于每年阳历的5月5日前后。立夏标志着季节的转换,是农历夏季开始的日子。此时,我国大部分地区气温明显升高,农作物进入生长旺季。
立夏的英文是 “The Beginning of Summer”, 咱们二十四节气中,夏天的节气有5个,除了“立夏”,还有 “小满”、“芒种”、“夏至”、“小暑”、“大暑”。
立夏:Beginning of summer
小满:Grain buds
芒种:Grain in ear
夏至:Summer Solstice
小暑:Slight Heat
大暑:Great Heat
The Beginning of Summer comes on May 5 or May 6 every year. When the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 45 degrees, it’s the beginning of the summer season.
Summer is sunny and hot.
sunny 阳光充足的
hot 热的; 烫的
windy 多风的;风大的
cloudy 阴天的;多云的
snowy 下雪(多)的
rainy 阴雨的;多雨的
cold 寒冷的;冷的
cool 凉的;凉爽的
warm 温暖的;暖和的
sultry 闷热的
sultry 表示"very hot and uncomfortable", 强调天气热的同时,空气又很潮湿,给人闷热的感觉。
sweltering 热得难受的
sweltering 表示"extremely hot and uncomfortable", 比sultry的程度还要强,强调热得让人难受,要中暑了。
balmy 温和的;宜人的
balmy 表示"the weather is warm and pleasant ", 强调令人舒服的热,温暖而宜人。
blazing 炽热的
blazing 表示"extremely hot", 单纯的强调热。我们都知道blaze作名词表示“火”,所以blazing的程度可以理解为像火烤一样的热。
blistering 炎热的
blistering 同样表示"extremely hot", 非常热。blister作名词表示“皮肤因烫伤起的水泡”,所以blistering就用来强调天气极热。
boiling 滚热的
boiling 是口语中常用的表示"very hot"的词,我们知道,“水煮沸了”是boil,所以boiling也可以形容天气热。
— 吃立夏蛋 / Eating Eggs —
In ancient China, people believed a round egg symbolized a happy life and eating eggs on the day of The Beginning of Summer was a prayer for good health. They put leftover tea into boiled water together with eggs and the original "tea egg" was created. Later people improved cooking methods and added spices to the eggs to make them taste delicious. Today tea egg has become a traditional snack in China.
在中国古代,人们相信一个圆圆的鸡蛋预示着一个幸福圆满的人生。在立夏这天吃鸡蛋,是对身体健康的一种祈祷。他们将吃剩下的茶叶放进烧开的滚水中跟鸡蛋一起煮。这样,最原始的“茶叶蛋” 就诞生了。之后,人们改良了煮茶叶蛋的方法,加入了调味料和香料,让鸡蛋可以吃起来更美味。当今,茶叶蛋已经是一款中国经典的小吃了。
— 斗蛋 / Egg Competetion —
As an old Chinese saying goes "hanging an egg on children's chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases,” parents will prepare boiled eggs and put them in a knitted bag before hanging them on their child’s chest. When at school, children gather together to play egg competitions by colliding each other's eggs in pairs and the one whose egg is not broken wins.
— 吃蚕豆 / 吃乌米饭 / 称人 —
In folk, people relieve the summer heat with cold drinks. People along the Yangtze River have the customs of boiling and eating broad bean (蚕豆).
Many people throughout southern China during lixia will make what they traditionally call,“colorful rice.” It is made from many different kinds of beans, like red beans,soy beans, black beans, green beans and mung beans mixed together with white japonica rice(粳米). After eating the “lixia rice,” the people also had the custom of weighing themselves, for they say that those who weigh themselves on that day don’t have to be afraid of pining away(消瘦;憔悴) during the sweltering heat of the summer.

japonica rice /dʒəˈpɑːnɪkə raɪs/ 粳米
sweltering /ˈsweltərɪŋ/ 炎热的
* 真人在线互动授课。