

2020-12-21 07:46:53 剑桥(MSE)考试培训中心 1825

今天是二十四节气中的冬至(Winter Solstice),是中华民族的传统节日。冬至在太阳到达黄经270°时开始,时于每年公历12月22日左右。


Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival".

冬至 Winter Solstice

“solstice”这个词我们不太看到,因为它的意思很特别,表示“the time of either the longest day in the year (about June 22) or the shortest day in the year (about December 22)”。一年中最长的一天(大约6月22日)或是一年中最短的一天(大约12月22日)。 这么看来,这个词的用武之地似乎局限性很大了。基本上也就用在“Winter Solstice”(冬至)以及“Summer Solstice”(夏至)之处。


After this day, many places in China go through the coldest period, which is called in Chinese, “Shu Jiu”. In total, there are nine periods with nine days for each. In the first and second nine days, people keep their hands in pockets; in the third and fourth nine days, people can walk on ice; in the fifth and sixth nice days, people can see willows along the river bank; in the seventh and eighth nine days, the swallow comes back and in the ninth nine days, the yak starts working.



Winter Solstice is a time for the family to get together.One activity that occurs during these get togethers (especially in the southern partsof China and in Chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of Tangyuan or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion.



Particularly, in Northern China, people generally eat dumpling on the Winter Solstice , a custom signifying a warm winter. Extended family members may gather together to make dumplings. In Northern China, dumplings are commonly eaten with a dipping sauce made of vinegar and chili oil or paste, and occasionally with some soy sauce added in.

“饺子”是我们中国土生土长的独有物种,在英语中并没有100%对应的词汇,所以用“dumpling”来专指饺子,有点牵强。因此,在跟外国朋友介绍饺子的时候,可以说 Chinese dumpling,或者干脆直接用汉语拼音:Jiaozi表示。



As a dish prepared at home, each family has its own preferred method of making them, using favorite fillings, with types and methods of preparation varying widely from region to region.


Common dumpling meat fillings include pork, mutton, beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp, which are usually mixed with chopped vegetables. Popular vegetable fillings include napa cabbage, scallion (spring onions), leek, celery, spinach, mushroom, edible black fungus, carrot, and garlic chives.


Dumplings may be prepared using a variety of methods, including baking, boiling, frying, simmering, or steaming, and are found in many world cuisines.


【习俗】custom /ˈkʌs.təm/ 习俗 [n.]

【饺子】:Dumplings , Chinese meat ravioli, Jiaozi;

【馄饨】:Wonton, dumplings in soup;

米团】:Rice dumpling;

【长线面】:Long noodle ;

【冬至】winter solstice / Dongzhi

汤圆】 Tangyuan Glutinous rice ball / rice ball

【二十四节气】 24 Solar Terms

【冬至祭祖】:Offering a Sacrifice to the Ancestors on the Winter Solstice。

