
考前攻略 -KET考前必读,赶快点击

2020-12-18 07:49:53 剑桥(MSE)考试培训中心 1516



  • Look carefully at the instructions and examples for each part. They will show you what to do.仔细读题并参考每个部分的示例。它们会告诉你该做什么。

  • Look at the titles of the longer texts. The titles tell you what the text is about and where it comes from. This will help you to understand the text.仔细阅读长文章的标题,了解文章的主题和出处,有助于理解文章内容。

  • Read the texts and the questions carefully, and make sure that you answer the questions. Don’t just choose an answer because you see one word.仔细阅读文章并审题,确保你回答了所有问题,不要看到一个词就选择答案。

  • If you don’t know the meaning of a word, don’t worry. Try to guess what it means.如果有不认识的单词也无需太过担心,试着猜猜它们的意思。

  • Answer all the questions, even if you’re not sure. Always choose an answer for each multiple-choice question.即使你对某些答案不是很确定,也要答完所有题目。为每一道选择题选一个答案。

  • Take your time and don’t hurry. There is plenty of time to answer all of the questions.慢慢来,不要着急,你有足够的时间回答所有的问题。

针对纸质考试 For paper-based exams:

  • Use a pencil to complete the answer sheet (not a pen).用铅笔在答题卡上作答。(不要使用钢笔)

  • Check that you have marked your answers in the correct place on the answer sheet.检查答案并且确保它们都写在了答题卡的正确位置。

  • If you make a mistake, use an eraser to rub it out.如果你发现填写错误,请用橡皮擦掉。

针对电脑考试 For computer-based exams:

  • There are no examples in the Reading test. You will watch a short tutorial before the test begins.阅读测试中没有示例。考试开始前,你将观看一个简短的教程。



  • Give yourself time to write, check and edit your work. If you do change anything, make sure that your writing is easy to read.给自己充足时间用于撰写、检查及修改你的作文。如果需要作出任何修改,请确保你的上下文是容易理解的。

  • Write at least the minimum number of words – 25 words in Part 6 and 35 words in Part 7.至少满足最低字数要求——第6部分不少于25个字,第7部分不少于35个字。

  • Check your spelling.仔细检查拼写。

针对纸质考试For paper-based exams:

  • Make sure you write your answer on the correct part of the answer sheet. Use a pencil, not a pen.确保你的答案写在答题卡的正确位置。请使用铅笔,不要使用钢笔。

针对电脑考试 For computer-based exams:

  • You can make notes on paper during the exam. You must leave these notes on your desk at the end of the exam.考试期间你可以在纸上做笔记。考试结束后,请将笔记留在你的桌子上。



  • Check that you can hear the test properly. If you can’t hear the recording, raise your hand immediately.检查听力设备是否清晰。如果听不到录音,马上举手示意。

  • Your centre will tell you whether you can use headphones for the Listening paper.你所在考点将会告诉你听力考试是否可以使用耳机。

  • Use any pauses to read the instructions and the questions. Read the instructions carefully.利用听力录音暂停的时间仔细阅读说明和审题。

  • You will hear each recording twice.你将听到两遍录音。

  • Try to answer the questions the first time you listen, then use the second listening to check your answers and to fill in any answers that you didn’t hear the first time.尝试在第一次听录音时进行答题,利用第二次听录音检查你的答案,补充第一遍没有听到的内容。

  • Answer all the questions, even if you’re not sure. Always choose an answer for each multiple-choice question.即使你对某些答案不是很确定,也要答完所有题目。为每一道选择题选一个答案。

  • Don’t worry if you make a spelling mistake, unless the word is very common e.g. Monday, or if the spelling of the word is dictated in the recording.如果你犯了拼写错误,不要担心,除非这个词很常见,例如:Monday,或者这个词的拼写是在录音中听写的。

针对纸质考试For paper-based exams:

  • At the end of the test, copy your answers carefully onto the answer sheet in pencil and check your work. Use an eraser if you make a mistake. You will have 6 minutes to do this.在考试的最后,你有6分钟的时间用铅笔把答案仔细写在答题卡上,如果写错了可以用橡皮修改。

针对电脑考试 For computer-based exams:

  • You can make notes on paper during the exam and leave these notes on your desk at the end of the exam.在考试期间你可以在纸上做笔记。考试结束后,请将笔记留在你的桌子上。



  • You will do the Speaking test with a partner, and there will be two examiners. One is the interlocutor, who will ask you questions and give you a global mark. The other is the assessor, who will just listen and give you marks by using the assessment criteria.你将和搭档一起完成口语考试,考官有两名。一个是对话者,他会问你问题并给你一个整体评分。另一个是评估者,只是旁听并根据评估标准给你打分。

  • If there is an odd number of candidates, the last group may be a group of three (not two). In this case, the test will last for 13–15 minutes instead of 8–10 minutes for two candidates.如果候选人人数为奇数,最后一组可能是三人一组(不是两人)。在这种情况下,考生的考试时间为13-15分钟,而不是8-10分钟。

  • Listen to what the interlocutor says and to what your partner says.仔细听考官及口语搭档说了什么。

  • Speak to the interlocutor in Part 1, and to your partner and the interlocutor in Part 2.第1部分需要与考官进行交流,第2部分需要与考官以及你的口语搭档交流。

  • Listen carefully to your partner and respond to what they say. Be prepared to ask them questions to start the discussion.仔细倾听你的搭档,并对他们说的话做出回应。准备好向他们提问以开始讨论。

  • Try to answer the interlocutor’s questions with more than just one word.回答考官的问题时尽量多说几个词。

  • Always make the best use of the time you have to show your language skills, but don’t interrupt your partner. It’s important to let them finish.充分利用你的作答时间来展示你的语言技能,但不要打断你的搭档。请让他们说完,这很重要。

  • Speak clearly, so that both examiners can hear you.口齿清晰,确保两位考官都能听到。

  • Always try to answer the questions. The examiners can’t mark you if you don’t say anything.尽力回答问题。如果你什么都不说,考官将无法为你打分。

  • Ask the interlocutor to repeat the instructions, or a question, if you have not understood.如果你有不明白的地方,请让考官重复这个说明或者问题。

  • Don’t worry if you think you’ve made a mistake. The important thing is that you communicate with your partner and with the interlocutor.犯了错也没有关系,和搭档及考官进行交流才是重点。

  • Don’t worry if the examiner stops you. It is important that the tests are not too long.如果考官打断你,别担心。考试时间不宜太长。

  • Try to relax and enjoy the test. Remember that the examiners want you to do your best.试着放松一下,好好享受考试。记住考官希望你尽力。


考前攻略 |KET考前必读,赶快点击
