

2020-03-20 09:23:10 剑桥(MSE)考试培训中心 429

剑桥英语五级证书考试又被称为Main Suite Examinations,缩略为MSE,那么近几年,随着人们对英语知识的渴求,MSE英语考试 必然是很多学生的首选。但是在考试之前多掌握一些基础知识是非常有必要的,今天王老师就为大家带来关于剑桥五级英语考试中的阅读难句整理,希望同学们能够到帮助,下面就和王老师一起看看吧。


  1.Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved,the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view,namely,that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as “common currency” throughout the nervous system. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size,number,arrangement,and interconnection of the nerve cells,but as far as psychoneural correlations were concerned,the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of the minute differences. Although some experiments show that,as an object becomes familiar,its internalrepresentation becomes more holistic andthe recognition process correspondingly more parallel,the weight of evidenceseems to support the serial hypothesis,at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.


  2.In large part as a consequence ofthe feminist movement,historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women invarious periods.


  3.Thus,for instance,it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learn that the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literally correct description of this atom,but only an approximation to a somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin,magnetic dipole,and relativistic effects;and that this correctedequation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set ofquantum field-theoretical equations.

