

2020-03-13 09:38:31 剑桥(MSE)考试培训中心 492


1.KET考试分KET标准版和KET School校园版。难度差不多,一般小学生考KET School校园版,本文总结的是两个版本。





6.考试技巧,熟记口语提问句型,要听清对方问题。 找不到答案的时候要用些常用语拖延时间,如Let me think, let me see. Oh, well…听不清或不理解请求重复时说I’m sorry. Could you say that again? 听不清或不理解请求重复时说I’m sorry. Could you say that again?

7.注意礼仪,见面主动和考官打招呼,同时和考官或者搭档有眼神互动。离开时说Thank you, Bye bye。

8.注意与伙伴互动。如果伙伴口语差,可以适当用提醒的句子接话,What do you think...? Do you mean...? You may think....


10.声音洪亮,用完整的句子回答问题。Tell me about...问题或是深度问题时尽量说2-3句话。







1.Phase 1(第一阶段)一般是打招呼、考官和考生要考试分数表(mark sheet)、分别问两个考生名字、住址、家乡等个人信息。

2.Phase 2(第二阶段),一般询问学校、学科、食物、家庭作业、服装、家庭、朋友、兴趣和爱好等日常生活信息。


1.Phase 1

(第一阶段3-4分钟)两位考生根据考官给的一张图片互相问问题,图片上一般为5个小图片,考生需要了解图片内容,并根据图片造句(who+what+where+when)并问搭档问题,比如用“Do you like… ?”句型进行问答,回答时必须表明喜欢或是不喜欢并说明原因(最好3-4句话)。

  1. What’s your name?-- My name is…

  2. And your surname name? (family name)
    -- My surname is ….

  3. How do you spell that?-- It's ...

  4. Where do you come from/ Where are you from? -- I am a local and I have been living here since I was born.

  5. Do you study English at school?-- Yes. I have 8 English classes every week. I like English very much.

  6. What other subjects do you study?-- At school, I also learn Math, Chinese, music, English and other subjects. I like all the subjects.

  7. What’s your favourite subject?-- My favorite subject is …. This is because …

  8. What’s your favourite sport? Why?-- My favorite sport is … because it always helps me to relax.
    I … every day.

  9. What sport do you play?-- I …, I often ….with my best friend… . We often …. in the park.

  10. What do you do in your free time?-- In my free time, I usually … with my …. We often have great fun together.

  11. What did you do last weekend?

  12. What are you going to do next weekend?

  13. How often do you watch a film / TV / read a book?

然后考官会根据图片的内容,轮流问考生1-2个补充观点性问题,考生必须表达观点并解释原因。如Do you think playing football is fun / difficult / boring / interesting / easy / dangerous / ? 最后轮流问最喜欢哪个?为什么?

2.Phase 2(第二阶段大概说2分钟)考官根据讨论的主题,再轮流问两位考生深度问题,一般为两个选择疑问句或特殊疑问句,考生回答时必须表明观点并说明原因。


(1)Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?

(2)Which is more fun, playing sports or watching sports?

(3)Do you prefer being by the sea or in the mountains?

(4)Is it better to do sports alone or with other people?

(5)What country would you like to visit and why?


KET口语评分分为四项:语法和词汇(Grammar and Vocabulary)、语音语调(Pronunciation)、互动沟通(Interactive Communication)、整体表现(Global Achievement)。





(二)深度问题:Tell me about..., 或Do you prefer.... or.....?

(一)图片对话和问答:官方发布的图片题的例子有4个(前2个为KET校园版,后2个为KET标准版):different hobbies不同的爱好 / different places to eat 不同的吃饭的地方 / different holidays 不同的假期

1. different hobbies不同的爱好

词汇和短语:playing computer games/playing an instrument / playing a guitar/playing football/reading /painting/drawing

表示态度和观点的词汇:fun、difficult、boring、 interesting、easy、dangerous、expensive、cheap、nice、exciting、tiring


  • Do you like ? reading

  • What do you like doing?

  • What don’t you like doing?

  • Do you think is ? painting/drawing easy

  • What do you like doing best?

  • Which one is your favorite?

  • What about you?

  • What do you think?


  • Yes, I do because I...

  • I think...

  • I agree...

  • I love...

  • I prefer...

  • Yes, I think so.

  • I don’t think so.

  • Maybe but I...

  • I don’t think so because..


Do you think …

 playing football is fun?

… playing an instrument / playing a guitar is difficult?

 playing computer games is boring?

 reading is interesting?

… painting/drawing is easy?

2. different outdoor activities不同的户外活动


  • Do you like ?

  • What do you like doing?

  • What don’t you like doing?

  • Do you think is ? having a picnic interesting

  • What do you like doing best?

  • Which one is your favorite?

  • What about you?

  • What do you think?


  • Yes, I do because I...

  • I think...

  • I agree...

  • I love...

  • I prefer...

  • Yes, I think so.

  • I don’t think so.

  • Maybe but I...

  • I don’t think so because..


  • Do you think …

  •  having a picnic with friends is boring?

  • … going for a bike riding is interesting?

  •  skateboarding is difficult?

  •  swimming in the lake is dangerous?

  •  going to the concert is fun?


3. different places to eat不同的吃饭的地方


  • Do you like ? eating on the beach

  • What do you like doing?

  • What don’t you like doing?

  • Do you think is ? eating in the park nice

  • What do you like doing best?

  • Which one is your favorite?

  • What about you?

  • What do you think?


  • Yes, I do because I...

  • I think...

  • I agree...

  • I love...

  • I prefer...

  • Yes, I think so.

  • I don’t think so.

  • Maybe but I...

  • I don’t think so because..


  • Do you think…

  •  eating in the park is nice?

  • ….eating on the beach is fun?

  • … eating in restaurants is expensive?

  • … eating at college/work is cheap?

  • ….eating at home is boring?

4. different places holidays不同的度假的地方


  • Do you like ? beach holidays

  • What do you like doing?

  • What don’t you like doing?

  • Do you think are ? city holidays nice

  • What do you like doing best?

  • Which one is your favorite?

  • What about you?

  • What do you think?


  • Yes, I do because I...

  • I think...

  • I agree...

  • I love...

  • I prefer...

  • Yes, I think so,too.

  • I don’t think so.

  • Maybe but I...

  • I don’t think so because..


  • Do you think….

  • beach holidays are fun?

  • city holidays are interesting?

  • camping holidays are exciting?

  • walking holidays are expensive?

  • holidays in the mountain are boring?
