剑桥MSE同步阅读丨Memory: Your brain is like a muscle-use it or lose it
栏目内容节选自MSE考试指定教材——English in Mind中的精华文章。

Memory: Your brain is like a muscle-use it or lose it!
The human brain is very small and light ( only two per cent of our total body weight ), but it needs about 20% of the oxygen that our body takes in. We can't think well if our brain isn’t getting enough oxygen, so always make sure there is enough oxygen in the air when you need to learn or remember something!
No one can remember everything, but everyone can learn how to improve their memory. Here are some tips-none of them can make your memory 100% perfect, but all of them are helpful:
When you want to remember something, tell a friend about it. This way the new information becomes more memorable. Later on, think about the conversation with your friend. It will remind you of the information you wanted to remember.
Don't over-train your brain. When you’ve remembered a list of new vocabulary, stop studying. It's better to study a lot of material for a small amount of time than a small amount of material for a lot of time! But remember: you do have to practise your new vocabulary regularly!
Our memory works well when we are asleep. If you want to remember something, go to bed and go to sleep immediately after learning it.
来源:MSE指定教材 English In Mind (student's book 2)
