剑桥MSE同步阅读丨A city In The Jungle
栏目内容节选自MSE考试指定教材——English in Mind中的精华文章。

A city In The Jungle
In the summer of 1848, in Guatemala, a man called Ambrosio Tut went out into the jungle, as he did almost every day. Tut was a gum-collector, looking for gum in the jungle. To do this, he had to climb the trees. On this particular day, he got to the top of one tree and something caught his eye. He looked out across the trees and saw...the tops of some old buildings.
在1848年的夏天,在危地马拉,一个叫Ambrosio Tut 的男人就如往日般进入了这片林子。Tut是个橡胶收割者,在林子里寻找橡胶的踪迹。要收割橡胶,他必须得爬上树。在这特别的一天,他在树上时,一个东西吸引了他的眼球。他透过重重的树木望过去,竟然看到了几间古老建筑物的屋顶。
Tut didn't really know what he had seen but he knew it was something special. He ran to tell the local governor, and together thet walked into the jungle. There they found Tikal, the city that the Mayans had built, many hundreds of years before. The two men saw temples and pyramids, squares and houses, and palaces where kings had lived when the Mayan people ruled the region.
For a long time before that day, local people had known that somewhere in the jungle there was an old Mayan city, but no one it for centuries. Between 200 and 900 AD, the city of Tikal had been the centre of Mayan civilisation in the region, but then the Mayans left it-nobody knows why! After 1000 AD, the jungle began to cover it and people forgot that it was there.
来源:MSE指定教材 English In Mind (student's book 2)
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《English in Mind》系列教程为剑桥官方精心打造,是一套综合性、系统性、国际性英语语言学习教材

在不同级别穿插的文化体验(Culture in Mind)、文学体验(Literature in Mind)、小说体验(Fiction in Mind)可以让学生领略不同的文化特色,赏析不同时期的文学作品。
目的是在学习语言的同时,提高青少年的个人修养。它的语言标准是依照欧洲现代语言教学大纲中A1到C1的语言能力制定,内容覆盖了我国小升初至 高三所有英语阅读、口语、写作、词汇、语法等知识点。
