剑桥MSE同步阅读:Girl genius, university student at 15
栏目内容节选自MSE考试指定教材——English in Mind中的精华文章。

Girl genius, university student at 15!
She was sitting up at four months, making pyramid designs with blocks at seven months, walking at eight months and completing 100-piece jigsaw puzzles at 15 months. So it is no surprise that Abigail Wilson, 15, from Connecticut, USA, recently made history when she became the youngest black female ever accepted into an American university! 'I'm proud of myself for getting in, but I usually find it hard to get excited. It is pretty cool, I guess,' said Abigail.
4个月大的时候,她就会坐了,7个月的时候就可以用积木做金字塔设计,8个月时学会了走路,15个月时完成100块拼图。所以来自美国康涅狄格州的15岁的阿比盖尔·威尔逊(Abigail Wilson)最近创造了历史,成为美国大学录取的最年轻的黑人女性,这一点也不奇怪!“我为自己能进大学而自豪,但我通常很难兴奋。我想这是一件很酷的事情,”阿比盖尔说。
Her mother, Nancy, said that Abigail was a quiet baby, born two weeks late on Christmas Day. She didn't speak her first words until she was 22 months! Nancy and her husband thought something must be wrong, but when she started to talk, it was pertect speech. She already knew her colours, letters and was able to read. Her parents read her normal bedtime stories and they didn't know she was learning all of it.
Abigail has always been the youngest person in her class. At six she was in the fourth grade, at eight she started an International Baccalaureate programme and at ten she took her first high school class in Maths. She has studied several languages, including Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and German.
Abigail says that she doesn't usually plan when she studies, she calls herself scatterbrained and she always delays things up to the last minute. This gives her the motivation to really do something.
In her free time, Abigail plays hockey and basketball, browses the Internet, reads, cooks and hangs out with her friends: they are all 17 and 18. She has also studied music. Her mother says that Abigail's music lessons helped her to be a normal teen. She believes that Abigail needed to be in a situation where she had to fail in order to learn. 'She found playing the piano very difficult, but it made her learn better' said Nancy. 'She can't always be successful, she won't learn anything! People always learn more from their failures than from their successes’.
在空闲时间,阿比盖尔喜欢打曲棍球和篮球,上网,看书,做饭,和她的朋友们在一起:他们都是17岁和18岁。她也学过音乐。她的母亲说阿比盖尔的音乐课帮助她成为一个正常的青少年。她认为阿比盖尔需要处于一个必须失败才能学习的环境。南希说:“她发现弹钢琴很难,但这会让她学得更好。” “她不可能总是成功的,这样她什么也学不到!人们总是从失败中学到的东西比从成功中学到的东西还多。”
来源:MSE指定教材 English In Mind (student's book 2)
那么如何让孩子科学得学习英语呢?小赛建议,学习剑桥原版引进的《English in Mind》教材是最好的选择。
《English in Mind》系列教程为剑桥官方精心打造,是一套综合性、系统性、国际性英语语言学习教材

在不同级别穿插的文化体验(Culture in Mind)、文学体验(Literature in Mind)、小说体验(Fiction in Mind)可以让学生领略不同的文化特色,赏析不同时期的文学作品。
目的是在学习语言的同时,提高青少年的个人修养。它的语言标准是依照欧洲现代语言教学大纲中A1到C1的语言能力制定,内容覆盖了我国小升初至 高三所有英语阅读、口语、写作、词汇、语法等知识点。
