剑桥MSE基础语法丨Had better的形式和意思
Had better的形式和意思
Had better是常见的表达形式,使用had better来谈论某人现在或将来应该要做的事or应采取的选择。这种表达形式,动词一直是“had”,而非“have/has”。在非正式的情况下,可以缩写为“'d better”。Had better后面使用动词原形。
非正式: It's five o'clock. I'd better go now before the traffic gets too bad.
正式:The government had better take the will of it's citizens into consideration.
Had better是一个较为强烈的表达。当我们认为如果某人不按照要求或建议去做,就会产生负面的结果时,我们就会用这个短语,比如:
She'd better get here soon or she'll miss the opening ceremony. (负面结果)
在口语表达中,特别是在非正式的交谈中,有时候也可以使用had best,比起had better, had best更加温和委婉。例如:
You'd best leave it till Monday. There's no one in the office today.
Had better的否定形式和问句形式
Had better的否定形式为had better not(='d better not),例如:
I'd better not leave my bag there. Someone might steal it.
You'd better not tell Elizabeth about the broken glass – she'll go crazy!
Had better的问句形式是将主语和had位置对调,意思相当于should,但是比should更为正式,例:
Had I better speak to Joan first before I send this form off?
Had we better leave a note for the delivery guy to take the parcel next door?
Hadn't we better ring the school and tell them Liam is sick?
Hadn't you better switch your computer off? It might overheat if you leave it on.
